Social Participation Manual
This manual was developed by the NDS WA Social Participation Subcommittee (SPS) to meet the needs of services in Western Australia.
Click on a document name to download the file.
Alternative & Complementary Therapies
Abusive Language
Care and Protection
Challenging Behaviours-Consumers
Children in the Workplace
Code of Conduct - Staff & Volunteers
Complaints and Grievances
Computer System Use-Staff
Consumer Participation
Consumer Visits to Employee Homes
Decision Making and Choice
DSC-Annual Consumer & Service Data Collection
Duty of Care
Dysphagia Management
Employee - Outside employment while working for the Organisation
Equal Employment Opportunities-EEO
Handling & Management
Human Relations and Sexuality
Illness of Staff or Consumers
Individual Needs of Consumers
Infection Control
IT Network for Users other than Staff
Mandatory Reporting DSC
Mobile Phone Policy
Money Handling - Consumer Money
Motor Vehicles - Personal Use
Occupational Safety and Health
Operation of Vehicle Hoists and Wheelchair Restraints
Performance Management & Appraisal
Poor Performance and Unacceptable Behaviour by Staff
Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality
Recruitment, Employment and Employment Contracts
Referrals and Exit Criteria
Salary Sacrificing for Staff
Smoking in the Workplace
Staff Grievance
Training and Development
Valued Status
Volunteer Services
Workplace Bullying