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ILC Grant - Pathways To The World of Work Project

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The resources on this page and the Pathways to The World of Work Project have been co-designed and developed through a NDIS Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) initiative.

In the 2017 / 2018 ILC Grants, National Disability Services WA had a specific focus on the NDIS areas of Central South Metro, North Metro, Northam, Narrogin, Bunbury, Manjimup, Esperance and Kalgoorlie with the aim of:
1) Assisting participants who are ineligible for Commonwealth employment pathways, including Disability Employment and jobactive services with their goals towards employment and;

2) To support schools in the project to better assist students and their families with transition to work using the appropriate supports, including the NDIS.

A range of options exist for making the transition from school to work, or for the support a person with disability might need to find and keep a job.

Research shows that it's more likely to find and keep a suitable and sustainable job if people take part in after-school jobs, work experience, school-based traineeships, training or volunteering, as it helps build the skills needed to do the work, and most importantly help the person decide what job is best suited to them.

It is important to maintain high expectations, and ensure people with disability are encouraged to explore their work options before they finish school.

You may be able to get support for your school-to-work transition activities. The resources below are designed to assist people with disability, their families and anyone supporting school-to-work transition to understand the diverse options available and how to put this support into your NDIS plan.

Want to understand what pathway to take towards work? Have a look at the resources below:

National Disability Services - WA