CEOs and senior managers from disability sector organisations were invited to attend a Disability Sector Reform Forum on the 21 August 2012, held by the DSC in partnership with NDS. We would like to thank all those who participated in the forum and contributed to the journey ahead!
The aim was to update, prepare and consult on proposed plans and initiatives around State Government Procurement Reforms which will be occurring during 2012/13. Overall a very positive response was received from participants on the day, given this is a time of uncertainty and when changes have yet to be fully developed.
Key areas covered at the Forum included:
An update by DSC on the changing contracting and procurement environment and roll-out of component II;
Workshopping proposed changes to the individual funding model
Identifying questions to be answered about the Procurement Reforms and the sector development needs to be able to implement the reforms; and
Discussion around what constitutes contemporary services
In response to the questions raised at the Forum, a question and answer document is currently being developed and will be sent to the sector as a follow up. The Forum was filmed and will be available to Disability Service Organisations shortly.
As mentioned, the focus of the day was on updating the sector on the status quo, getting input into the proposed changes ahead and finding out about sector needs, concerns and questions. For further information please find the presentations of the day attached: