Policy 8.12 : Use of Volunteers

Policy 8.12 : Use of Volunteers
1. Background

Community Enterprise Inc. is a non-profit organisation established for the purpose of supporting people with disabilities and their families living in the Shire of Hidden Valley.

The services offered by Community Enterprise include group home accommodation, in-home respite, out-of-home respite, home help and community access.

Community Enterprise is a non-profit, community organisation which is governed by a management committee elected annually by the members. Community Enterprise receives all of its operating funds from the Western Australian Government in the form of an annual grant.

2. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this policy is to set out specific procedures and performance standards in recruiting, supporting and re-imbursing volunteers.

This policy applies to all of the agency's programs and activities.

3. Policy Statement
The agency recognises and values the unique contributions that volunteers can make to the agency's overall services from the perspectives of: the increased involvement of the wider community, through volunteers, with the agency's clients; the qualitatively different relationship that volunteers develop with the agency's clients; their greater freedom to advocate for the agency's clients; their capacity to supplement the services that the agency's paid employees can provide; their industrial flexibility in undertaking their duties; their cost effectiveness to the agency.  The policy aims to establish the conditions under which volunteers are utilised, volunteers' responsibilities to the agency and its clients, and the agency's obligations to volunteers.  The policy will assist the agency to meet its obligations under Standard 8 of the Disability Services Standards (1993) to practice sound management standards which maximise outcomes for consumers.
4. Procedures

The following procedures are to be implemented to ensure that the agency meets its policy objective of establishing the conditions and mutual responsibilities under which volunteers are engaged by the agency.

The agency will:

  1. Use volunteers to enhance, not replace, the services usually provided by paid employees.
  2. Assign duties to volunteers on the basis of their skills, interests and availability.
  3. Develop duty statements and selection criteria for each volunteer position.
  4. Designate an employee within the agency to co-ordinate the recruitment, selection, orientation and supervision of volunteers.
  5. Recruit volunteers by the most appropriate means according to the circumstances that prevail, and the needs of the agency, at the time.
  6. Assemble a selection panel, incorporating agency employees, management committee members and/or consumer representatives, and formally interview all prospective volunteers .
  7. Require that volunteers supply the names of two referees and also provide a current copy of an "Authority to Release Record of Convictions and Other Matters Pending", the cost of which will be re-imbursed if the volunteer is successful in securing a position with the agency.
  8. Establish formal induction procedures and organise necessary basic training for all volunteers in accordance with the Policy on Staff Training and Development and the Policy on Occupational Health and Safety.
  9. Establish formal supervision procedures for volunteers, ensure that all volunteers are allocated a supervisor and receive regular supervision in a manner and at a frequency that is appropriate to their tasks and responsibilities.
  10. Re-imburse volunteers for approved out-of-pocket expenses and vehicle running costs in accordance with the Policy on Agency Use of Private Vehicles.
  11. Include volunteers in the agency's policy cover under directors' and officers' liability insurance, professional indemnity, personal accident insurance and contingent motor vehicle insurance in accordance with the Policy on Insurance and Indemnity Arrangements.
  12. Promptly investigate, remedy and document any volunteer grievance.
5. Performance Standards

The following performance standards must be met to ensure that the procedures specified in Section 4 are implemented effectively:

  1. All new volunteers have been provided with a copy of the agency's Policy on Use of Volunteers and a staff copy of the policy is kept in each service area.
  2. New volunteers have successfully completed the induction program within one month of appointment.
  3. New volunteers have successfully completed the training specified in the Policy on Occupational Health and Safety within six months of appointment.
  4. Duty statements have been written for all volunteers.
  5. All volunteers have been selected against appropriate selection criteria and have undergone reference and police checks.
  6. All volunteers have a designated supervisor and receive regular supervision in line with their duties and responsibilities.
  7. Volunteers have been re-imbursed for approved out-of-pocket expenses and vehicle running costs.
  8. Volunteers are covered under directors' and officers' liability insurance, professional indemnity, personal accident insurance and contingent motor vehicle insurance.
  9. All volunteers have been made aware of the contents of the Policy on Use of Volunteers.
  10. Any grievances have been addressed in accordance with the principles and procedures outlined in this policy and the Policy on Staff Grievances.
6. Review of the Policy
This policy will be reviewed on a two yearly basis.  However, if at any time the legislative, policy or funding environment is so altered that the policy is no longer appropriate in its current form, the policy will be reviewed immediately and amended accordingly.

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