Latest Issue of Disability Notes
January 2 2015
Disability Notes is a fortnightly update for the WA media, designed to provide a quick overview of local disability issues and events.
This update is compiled by National Disability Services (NDS) WA. If you have an interesting story or you are planning an event that could be included in the next issue, please email .
In this issue:
- WA backs No Fault Insurance Scheme
- 2015 Disability Support Awards
- Introducing young artist Emma Matthews and the Arts Partners program
- Thumbs up to Boyd Duffield and Grant Cross
Disability Notes - February 2015
Archived Disability Notes
NDS WA 2015-16 Pre-Budget Submission outlines critical disability issues
October 28 2014
NDS WA released its Pre-Budget Submission yesterday, outlining critical disability issues that we believe need funding in the 2015-16 WA State Budget.
At the launch, NDS handed over eight priority areas with specific calls for action to Alistair Jones, Department of Treasury.
"Our two highest priority recommendations this year are for the government to invest in the protection of vulnerable witnesses with disability, who are not able to access justice like the rest of the community, and to call on the government to provide leadership in increasing employment opportunities for West Australians with disability," Julie Waylen, NDS WA State Manager, said.
Solicitor Prue Hawkins was one of the guest speakers who reflected on her own complicated search for work, despite her legal talent and experience, and the type of leadership needed to turn this around.
Other key recommendations include:
- Ensuring the evaluation of the NDIS trial sites fully engages with people with disability and the sector and is an independent and transparent evaluation process of the respective WA NDIS launch sites;
- Building housing ownership and affordability for people with disability by funding the implementation of priority recommendations in NDS's 'Housing Ownership and Affordability for People Living With Disability' report;
- Stronger enforcement of ACROD Parking, including adequate monitoring and an appropriate fines regime set at $2,000 for infringement; and
- Address transport poverty by funding a comprehensive long-term Disability Transport Strategy for people with disability in Western Australia. A specific priority is renewed commitment to ensuring a reliable, accessible and respectful taxi service for people with disability in WA.
The WA Government has indicated that the work conducted by NDS through the submission has strong credibility, articulates a shared vision with the State Government and highlights many common areas of priority.
NDS WA's 2015-16 Pre-Budget Submission
WA State Government’s Green Paper on No-Fault Insurance
October 20 2014
The WA State Government has released its long-awaited Green Paper on No-Fault Insurance for those catastrophically injured in motor vehicle accidents, and invites comment from the public. NDS will make a submission and invites member contributions.
In addition to background on the current third party system, the paper looks at the reasons for no-fault insurance, defines catastrophic injury and gives an overview of three possible options.
Broadly, the first option is to leave the system as it is; the second, to introduce a no-fault scheme for all catastrophically injured, with regular payments rather than lump sums; and the third, to introduce the scheme only for those who are uncompensable, leaving the rest to pursue their case through the courts.
NDS has campaigned strongly to correct the serious injustice of dividing those with catastrophic injury into two camps, with both suffering differently. Currently, those who are deemed 'at fault' or where no one is to blame (such as where a kangaroo hits a car) receive no compensation, while victims and their families will face horrendous costs in ongoing rehab, equipment, house modifications and care and personal support. As the Hon. Helen Morton MLC, Minister for Disability Services, told the West Australian, individuals and families are mortgaging homes and going into huge debt to finance caring for their loved ones.
In the other camp are those deemed 'not at fault', who must mount a legal case at a very difficult time with no certainty as to the outcome. These cases usually take many years to resolve and may involve the emotional cost of suing loved ones or friends who were at the wheel.
While the Treasurer indicated that WA has enjoyed the lowest car premiums in the country, this has come at the cost of not being comprehensively covered in the event of catastrophic injury, unlike those in almost every other state in Australia.
"Catastrophic injury from a road accident can happen to any one of us any day of the week," said NDS WA State Manager, Julie Waylen.
"West Australians deserve the quick introduction of a fairer system that will act as an important safety net."
NDS is undertaking a close analysis of all options and potential costs put forward in this paper and will offer a more detailed response shortly. If you would like to make a comment for inclusion in our submission, please contact Jim Vanopoulos on 08 9208 9802 or
Media Release:
- ABC News - Disability Services WA wants no-fault insurance introduced as a priority in its PBS
- 730WA - Disability group says no-fault insurance scheme worth the cost
- Nine News - No-fault insurance
- 6PR - 'At Fault' scheme victim
- The West Australian - Insurance plan to cost drivers $109 a year
National Disability Services website
International Day of People with Disability
October 15 2014
Are you hosting a community event? You can register your event and have it appear on the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) calendar of events page or you can register private events which will not appear on the website. Organisers will receive free IDPwD merchandise (if requested) to help celebrate. Online promotional products and activities suitable for all ages are also available.
To register, simply fill in the form on the IDPwD website by Tuesday 18 November 2014 to be eligible for free IDPwD merchandise. Public events registered after this date will still appear on the website but may not receive free merchandise (dependent on available stock).
For more information, please visit the IDPwD website.
International Day of People with Disability website
Disability sector CEOs recognised at WA Telstra Business Women’s Awards
October 10 2014
NDS congratulates Judy Hogben, Chief Executive Officer, The Centre for Cerebral Palsy, and WA State Committee Member; who was named winner of the WA Business Innovation Award at the 2014 Telstra Business Women Awards.
Judy has worked in government and non-government for over 30 years, with seniors, vulnerable children, young people and more recently individuals with disabilities. Judy came to The Centre for Cerebral Palsy at a time when a refocusing on service quality, sustainability and renewal of ageing infrastructures was needed. This required establishing strong government, community and business partnerships. While Judy’s MBA and GAICD have assisted her to lead the organisation, she says it is people who have given her the courage and tenacity to achieve outcomes.
NDS also congraulates Justine Colyer, Chief Executive Officer, RISE Network Inc, who was a finalists in the 2014 Western Australian Telstra Business Women’s Awards
Justine has had 25 years experience in the public, private and non-profit sectors in Australia, the UK and Europe. Over the past 15 years in Australia, she has worked to support and promote the needs and rights of some of the most marginalised and vulnerable people in our community. She provides pro-bono work in a range of areas and holds board postions on NFPs for housing, social services, domestic violence and intellectual disability. Justine is a Distinguished Fellow of Leadership WA.
For 20 years, the Telstra Business Women Awards have provided a high profile platform that celebrates the achievements of successful women. The Awards create positive role models for other aspiring women.
2014 WA Business Innovation Award
ACROD Parking Ambassador
October 2 2014
Jim Cairns, the only paraplegic driver in the Australasian Safari, is the ACROD Parking's new ambassador.
Jim became paraplegic following injuries in an accident in the very first Australasian Safari 29 years ago. Hear all about his journey (SoundCloud).
As you can tell, Jim loves adventure and hasn’t let his accident get in the way. He says that the one thing that does stop him in his tracks is when people park illegally in ACROD bays and for that reason he was happy to lend his face and voice to the 'Make My Day, Don’t Take My Bay' campaign.
Community service announcements he recorded are currently being aired on Mix 94.5, Nova, Curtin FM, Sonshine and ABC Radio statewide.
Accident No Barrier to Adventure - Meet Jim Cairns
Nominate your stars for the 2015 Disability Support Awards
September 30 2014
Nominations are now open for the 2015 Disability Support Awards.
Do you know someone who has made a significant contribution by providing support and improving the lives of people with disability? This is your opportunity to recognise their outstanding contribution.
The awards showcase the disability services sector as a place of innovation, a place for employment and a place to have a career. The awards also celebrate the achievements of people with disability and reward people who demonstrate excellence, passion, vision and commitment to supporting people with disability. These are people who go beyond ordinary standards of service and have a profound impact on the lives of the people they work with and support.
For more information about the awards or to download a nomination form, please visit the Disability Support Awards website or contact NDS WA on 08 9208 9812 or [email protected]
Award nominations close by 5.00pm Tuesday 9 December 2014.
Winners will be announced at a gala dinner on Saturday 28 March 2015 at Crown Perth. Tickets will go on sale in January 2015.
Disability Support Awards website
NDS Training and Skill Development Project
September 11 2014
NDS is pleased to announce the launch of the Training and Skill Development project. The project provides financial incentives to employers of disability support workers who enrol in nationally accredited training. Two options are available; a full Certificate III in Disability Qualification (14 units) or a skill set of six units from the qualification.
The incentives are available not only to disability sector organisations but also people with disability or families who manage their own funds and employ support workers.
More information is available on the IdeasWA website.
NDS Training and Skill Development Project
Plan for the future with Liveable Homes
June 4 2014
The Liveable Homes initiative was launched in late 2011 to address a key priority area within the Count Me In strategy for disability and calls for the inclusion of universal access design features in new and renovated homes.
Liveable Homes will better meet the needs of West Australia’s growing and ageing population, families with small children and people with temporary and permanent disability and their families and carers.
Want to know more? More information and free comprehensive resources, including checklists, technical fact sheets, draft house plans and supporting information, are now available on the Liveable Homes website.
Liveable Homes Website
CEO Resource Manual
November 6 2013
The CEO Resource Manual is a resource for new and existing CEOs in the disability sector in WA. This manual was produced by the Council of Regional Disability Services and compiled by Executive Officers, working in regionally based organisations in Western Australia, in collaboration with the Disability Services Commission.
CEO Resource Manual and Appendices
Aboriginal Engagement and Employment Scoping Project Report
April 19 2013
In 2013, NDS launched a report that proposes a plan to provide improved access to disability services for Aboriginal people in Western Australia.
The report, funded by the Disability Services Commission and prepared for NDS by Social Systems and Evaluation, highlights a significantly higher rate of disability among Aboriginal people and proposes measures to reduce the barriers for Aboriginal people with disability in accessing existing vital programs and services.
NDS WA State Manager Terry Simpson says that the report advocates a comprehensive approach to better engagement of Aboriginal people by disability service organisations.
"This approach includes creating stronger linkages between disability organisations and Aboriginal communities, greater awareness of cross-cultural issues by people working in disability services, and increased employment opportunities for Aboriginal people within disability service organisations."
"The Aboriginal Engagement and Employment initiative would increase Aboriginal employment in the disability sector by building the capacity of disability sector organisations to employ Aboriginal people and by assisting Aboriginal people to meet the skills required by the sector."
"The proposed initiative is regionally-based to enable effective engagement with local Aboriginal communities, local disability organisations and local employment and training providers," he said.
In its 2012 and 2013 Pre-Budget Submissions to the State Government, NDS highlighted that Aboriginal disadvantage across a range of indicators is broad in scope, profound and entrenched. Some 3,046 people were reported as needing assistance with a core activity and 5,314 people as providing unpaid assistance to a person with a disability or long-term illness. Only a third of these people are using specialist disability services.
NDS has presented the report to the State Government and is preparing a business case for consideration in the 2013/14 State Budget.
Aboriginal Engagement and Employment Scoping Project Report