Accommodation Think Tank

The establishment of the Think Tank resulted from recommendations of the Accommodation Blueprint Steering Committee convened in May 2002. The Blueprint report (Accommodation Blueprint 2003 - 2008) recommended a Think Tank be set up to promote the development of new ideas and innovation in accommodation support. This Think Tank has been established to:

  • find uncommon and innovative solutions to common problems within the sector;
  • identify innovative responses that are viable without compromising quality; and
  • foster different models of family and consumer


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    Casestudies Innovative Accommodation

    This paper provides a forum for showcasing innovative examples of accommodation support models. Western Australia has a well deserved reputation as a trail blazer in disability service provision. Many of the more creative and innovative dimensions of support services have their origins in Western Australia.

    Innovation in Accommodation Discussion Paper

    This discussion paper aims to stimulate further debate, with the intention of promoting innovation in accommodation support services for people with disabilities. It includes:

    • a framework for conceptualising accommodation support;
    • an outline of what constitutes quality in accommodation support;
    • the factors likely to contribute to quality; and
    • a summary of opportunities and challenges in creating innovative solutions.

    Notes from Think Tank Roundtable

    The Think Tank on Accommodation hosted a roundtable on the morning of 23rd June 2006 at the City West Function Centre in West Perth. The purpose of the event was to engage key individuals in dialogue to identify whole of government and community opportunities to improve accommodation support outcomes for people with disabilities and to identify strategies to incorporate innovative thinking in daily practice.