Training Event

Event Name: Report and Grant Writing Made Easy
Event Overview: Why is it that some organisations seem to get all the funding and others often struggle? This workshop will reveal what funding organisations are looking for and how you can create a winning application! This workshop covers how to find funding and write a grant, together with grant reporting – also known as acquittal. In addition to comprehensive course materials and real world case studies, this workshop includes links to grant databases, templates and resources to use after the workshop. Topics covered include • Understanding Australia’s funding landscape • Types of grants and where to find them • Step-by-step grant writing process • Addressing selection criteria • Tips to set you apart • Compiling support materials • Marking the most of awarded funds
Date: March 26, 2012
Time: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Facilitator: Elisa Williams
Venue: Board Room, National Disability Services WA
Unit 1, 59 Walters Drive, OSBORNE PARK 6017
Cost: $170.00 Members & $215.00 Non-Members
Contact Information: National Disability Services WA

(08) 9208 9876