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IDEASWA aims to provide a rich array of information and resources to benefit disability services in Western Australia.

Sector Training Activities

Family Leadership Workshop

We invite you to register your interest in our first forum for 2015 on
Saturday 14th February introducing Mary Kealy to talk with us about:
> Families Leading;
> The Importance and Meaning of Vision;
> Developing Mindfulness and Values;
> Building Capacity;
> Some Family Stories will be shared by Steppin’ Stones and Valued Lives parents.
We are indeed very happy that Mary has extended her tour (travelling from Ireland)
along the Eastern States corridor to include Western Australia, giving W.A. families the
opportunity to meet her, learn and share in her broad experience in this field and hear
what works for families in the Northern Hemisphere and indeed in Eastern States.
At this particular time of change
on our landscape (both State and
Federal) it is all the more important
that we expose ourselves to thinking
“outside the square”; taking a lead
role in determining the future for
our families and particularly for our
sons and daughters with disability.
This forum is highly relevant to all
parents and we are keen to see
intergenerational participation from
very young families to families in the
varying phases of life.
Mary’s talk will include some important
components which will assist us to
envision, to communicate needs and
supports required to realise a vision
and in turn ensure our sons and
daughters can realise their maximum
potential living fulfilling lives.
Presenter: Mary Kealy
Date: 14 February 2015
Time: 12:00 am-11:59 pm
Venue: Southcare Community Services
Bickley Crescent, Manning
Cost: Complimentary
Parking: from Manning Rd turn onto Canavan and left onto Bickley
Contact: Valued Lives Foundation
  Ph 0414 703 512

Latest News & Media

Latest Issue of Disability Notes

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Latest Issue of Disability Notes
Disability Notes is a fortnightly update for the WA media, designed to provide a quick overview of local disability issues and events. This update is compiled by National Disability Services...

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Upcoming Events

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Conversations that Connect

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Customer Focused Organisations

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'More than Talking' Training

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National Disability Services - WA