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Sector Training Activities

Customer Focused Organisations

Join Consultant and Executive Coach, Beth Nurnberger and ensure you position your organisation in the best possible manner in the new disability services market place.

As the landscape of our sector is changing, how you interact with those receiving your services is facing dramatic changes.  Your clients can now be viewed as customers who can pick and choose where they go to receive the services they want.  This requires a particular perspective and skills set to ensure you position your organisation in the best possible manner in this new commercial driven market place.  This workshop will cover the following topics: 

  1. Identifying and understanding your customers
  2. Addressing customer needs (internal and external)
  3. Managing the delivery of quality products and services
  4. Excellence in the customer service experience
  5. Customer service  – engaging in discussions on global best practice 

In particular we will address the following questions: 

  • How do I plan to meet my customers’ needs?
  • How do I ensure I meet the quality standards for product and service delivery?
  • How do I ensure my team meets quality standards when serving customers?
  • How do I monitor customer service standards?
  • How can I make improvements to our customer service and product delivery? 

The content of this workshop is aimed at those operating at the manager’s level, those who can link customers to the organisational strategy and are involved in creating a plan for the delivery of customer service. 

Who should attend

Board Members, CEO’s and Senior Management 

Your presenter

Beth Nurnberger, Consultant and Executive Coach, Integral Development

Beth has worked with West Australian government, non-government and corporate companies to develop communication and leadership abilities, manage poor performance, develop coaching skills, work more cohesively as a team, and implement change successfully.

Beth holds a degree in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin (Madison), served as a Police Constable for the West Australian Police Service until August 2000, and is a qualified NLP Practitioner. Upon graduation from the W.A. Police Academy she was awarded the Communications Award. Currently enrolled in the Masters Practitioners NLP course as well as a Diploma of Coaching, Beth is accredited in the Integral Development 360 Leadership Management Profile tool.

Presenter: Beth Nurnberger, Consultant and Executive Coach, Integral Development
Date: 5 May 2014
Time: 9:30 am- 4:30 pm
Venue: Board Room, National Disability Services WA
Unit 1, 59 Walters Drive, OSBORNE PARK 6017
Cost Member: $230.00
Cost Non-Member: $275.00
Parking: Parking available at the Super A-mart car park.
Contact: National Disability Services WA
  Ph (08) 9208 9876

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National Disability Services - WA