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IDEASWA aims to provide a rich array of information and resources to benefit disability services in Western Australia.

Professional Development Activities

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness

Richmond Fellowship WA (RFWA) is pleased to present Danny Ford, Kambarang Services, to lead a one day workshop on Aboriginal cultural awareness held on the 18th March 2014.

This informative and thought provoking training session provides insights into the history of Aboriginal people, both past and recent. It discusses the issues facing Aboriginal people today and the way forward from here.

Danny is a consultant with a background as a Senior Executive Officer in the Western Australian State Government and has a high level of knowledge and experience with social welfare issues impacting Aboriginal families and communities.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain a better understanding of the Aboriginal life prior to colonisation / settlement
  • Develop a greater sense of the impact of colonisation
  • Reflect on where to from here

CLICK HERE to learn more and book now

Presenter: Danny Ford
Date: 18 March 2014
Time: 9:00 am- 4:30 pm
Venue: RFWA Training Room
32 Burton St, Cannington
Cost: Complimentary
Parking: Ample Parking at Rear
Contact: Richmond Fellowship WA
  Ph 0893508800

Latest News

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Upcoming Events

June 5 2014

Governance and Board Management in the New Regulatory Environment

June 6 2014

Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce

June 6 2014

Assist with Medication training provided by Rocky Bay

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National Disability Services - WA