Contact Details

Postal Address: Include Pty Ltd

21 Anembo Road

Carmel 6076

Telephone: 61-(0)407 667 108



Overview of Training
A range of staff training workshops have been developed, and these can be tailored to your needs or new ones developed as necessary. The focus of workshops is disability, aged care, human service generally, community development and psychological issues. They have relevance to early intervention; working with families; service design and renewal; day service; residential service, and community development.
Packages and Programs Delivered

Some possible workshops are:

  • Building Community, Building Belonging
  • Dimensions of quality in human services.
  • Historical issues in human services that still direct our thinking
  • The power of assumptions in determining life outcomes.
  • Responding to vulnerability: Safeguards and advocacy.
  • Implementing change in human services.
  • Common life experiences of people who are disabled.
  • Introduction to some principles of Social Role Valorization.
  • How human services can harm, and how to minimise this.
  • Positive behaviour support for individuals in human services.
  • Using human services to help build, not break community.
  • Inclusion in schools - issues for teachers, parents and others.#
  • Leadership in Human Services.*
  • Social Role Valorization or PASSING* *Run by other presenters/organisations supported by Include.Workshops can be from a 1 hour presentation to several days. The aim of all workshops is to be interactive and allow a lot of participant involvement to maximise learning. Workshops consistently receive very high ratings from participants.

Costs will vary depending on the time, whether national/international presenters are used, whether repeat workshops are involved. Costs are negotiable for multiple workshops or continuing involvement of Include Pty Ltd.