Gatley McGurk Consultants

Contact Details

Mr Patrick McGurk

288 Nicholson Road


Phone: 08 9381 1308

Fax: 08 9388 6776


Overview of Training

Using personal experience as a Wheelchair reliant person and knowledge gained from 13 years as a Support Worker working with people with a wide range of disabilities, I have provided training on both specific and general issues in relation to the knowledge and experience of disability.These include:

  • Insight into the issues of relevant care approaches and appropriate responses by Care Aid staff;
  • Skills development in responding to people with disabilities;
  • Awareness raising and understanding of the experience of disability;
  • Issues a disability raises for individuals and groups in the community; and
  • Impact of varying services and environments on people's ability to access those services and resources.
Packages and Programs Delivered

Silver Chain: Skills development on responding to people with disabilities for Care Aid staff providing personal care to individuals.

HACC: Provided orientation to Care Aid staff, on dealing with people with a broad spectrum of disabilities and responding appropriately.

Disability Service Commission: Orientation program for Commission employees. General awareness of disability and access issues.

Department of Transport: Accessible Taxi Unit: Access issues for taxi drivers.

E-QUAL: Subiaco schools Disability Awareness Training for children on general awareness of disability and dealing with life in the community as a person reliant on a wheelchair.