Autism Association of Western Australia (Inc.)

Contact Details

Ms Tasha Alach or Ms Maxine Marshall

37 Hay Street Subiaco WA 6008

Phone: 08 9489 8900

Fax: 08 9489 8999



Overview of Training

Seminars and Videoconferences for: parents, carers, teachers and education assistants, and other professionals who work with children and adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

In 2004 eleven seminars were presented in the metropolitan area, and twelve video conferences to rural areas of W.A.

Packages and Programs Delivered
  • Explaining Autism
  • Working with Students with Autism in Mainstream Schools
  • Teaching Children with Autism: a workshop based on the TEACCH Approach
  • Managing Difficult Behaviour
  • Sensory Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Working with Children with Autism in Kindergarten and Pre-primary

All of the above programs provide extensive information regarding the nature of autism.