Recreation |
Certificate III in Community Services (Disability Work)
The Community Services Training Package sets out the requirements for units of competence for qualifications. Training providers can select from a menu as long as the requirements of the package are met, for example Certificate III in Community Services (Disability Work) requires the following units:
- 6 Compulsory
- 5 Elective (one of these must be a disability unit)
- 2 Optional
Certificate IV in Community Services (Disability Work) |
The Community Services Training Package sets out the requirements for units of competence for qualifications. Training providers can select from a menu as long as the requirements of the package are met, for example Certificate IV Community Services (Disability Work) requires the following units;
- 9 compulsory
- 4 elective
- 1 optional
- Holds Human Services Certificate (for Qualified Staff)
- Holds current First Aid Certificate
- Holds current A class drivers !icence
- Can demonstrate 12 months driving experience
- Can provide a current Federal Police Clearance
- Has completed training in manual handling (refer specific agency)
- Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills and sound values base.
- Has completed Induction to agency
- Has completed SRV Introductory
- Demonstrates safe manual handling practices
- Has knowledge of:
- Duty of Care issues
- Occupational Safety & Health procedures
- Fire emergency procedures
- Behaviour Management procedures
- Disability Services Act & Standards
- Integration & Inclusion
- Medication Procedures
- Continence Management
- Communication channels
- Communication techniques
- Implements Occupational Safety and Health Procedures/Practices
- Demonstrates effective communication skills/techniques
- Implements client/staff protection practices
- Demonstrates duty of care of participant's skill development
- Carries out individual service planning
- Implements philosophies of SRV
- Networks within the community
- Record keeping
- Understanding of disability and impact
- Completed training in and implements human relationships and sexuality
- Completed training in and implements challenging behaviour management (advanced)
- Demonstrates effective management of epilepsy
- Manages conflict resolution effectively
- Demonstrates effective and accurate report writing
- Demonstrates sound Duty of Care practices
- Tube feeding
- Medications
- Autism
- Diabetes
- Self defence
- Positioning and skin integrity
- Boundaries - professional ethics
- Referral strategies
- Occupational safe driving
- Protection behaviours
- Communication professional/work/client (eg, Makaton, Compic, etc)
- Client relationships and interaction
- Mealtime management
- Nutrition and diet
- Team development
- Stress management
- Change
- Negotiation skills
- Volunteer management
- Values based training
- Education in virtues
- Case management
- Development of policies and procedures
- Employing staff - employment contracts
- Supervising staff
- Counselling
- Legal issues
- Staff management
- Train the trainer
- Performance appraisal
- Developing, reviewing and evaluating meaningful activities
- Developing and implementing outcome focussed programs
- Evaluating services
- Resource management
- Developing new services / sites
- Aging and disability
- Quality assurance
- Managing the agency