1. Acquisition of assessment skills and knowledge relevant to disability
- Knowledge of the World Health Organisation ICIDH Classification
- Clinical reasoning
- Interviewing
- Report writing
- Written and verbal skills
- Description of problem
- Determination of outcomes
- Planning client management
- Differential diagnosis
- Understanding of impact of ecological context in which child develops and principles of child development
- Appropriate selection and use of assessment procedures and tools
- Referral to appropriate sources for further assessment
- Aging and its impact on disability
2. Development of a positive, empowering and inclusive philosophy towards working with people with a disability
- Teamwork
- Understanding principles of inclusion
- Cultural sensitivity
- Interpersonal skills
- Understanding of relevant legislation
- Communicating with a person with a disability
- Client and Staff Protection and Duty of Care
- Social Role Valorisation
- General Information on Disability
3. Knowledge of service delivery models and client management issues
- Principles of best practice in early intervention
- Principles of best practice in school-age intervention
- Family centred practice
- Ecologically based practice
- Embedding therapy goals
- Different types of intervention for children and adults with cerebral palsy
- Manual handling
- Manutention
- Caselist management
- Service planning
- Occupational safety and health
- Behaviour management
- Hip surveillance
- Orthotics prescription
- Neuro developmental therapy
- Conductive Education
- Jellytime
- Halliwick
- Point percussion
- Strategies for clients with vision impairment and blindness
- Equipment prescription/postural assessment/seating design
- Targeted training
- Early childhood issues
- Epilepsy
- Head injury
- Spina bifida
- Down's Syndrome
- Autism/Asperger's syndrome
- Muscular dystrophy/spinal muscular atrophy
- Provision of services to adolescents with disabilities and/or communication difficulties
- Collaborative consultation: the ability to work collaboratively within the education team with family. Includes the following skills/knowledge:
- Understanding of family centred practice
- Understanding and respect for the roles of other key stakeholders
- Influence and negotiating skills
- Counselling skills
- Joint planning and programming skills
- Group behaviour management skills
- Knowledge of curriculum framework
- Knowledge of alternative service models
- Knowledge of other agencies, roles of other stakeholders
4. Understanding of principles of professional, group and community development and education
- Principles and practices of undergraduate clinical education
- Professional development: (Keeping knowledge up to date by actively seeking knowledge and analysing new research)
5. Awareness of the role of the profession in relation to allied professions, and accesses formal and informal networks for professional support
6. Promotion of an inclusive attitude to disability
- Inclusion promotion and education
- Parenting