wdf? so what if she is 45, she's still a person, a human with feelings & anyway if she sounds good what's the problem? its all about the music, not about how someone looks, that's what she gets paid for after all. There are men in the music industry who are far older than her & no one says a thing, just because she's a woman you shouldn't be so sexist one day you will be old too & I bet you won't look half as good as her, Fact! So think about that before you attack someone because of their age!
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POER : January 05, 2013, 21:15
keep up your good work.
Motti : January 05, 2013, 21:15
no, no, of course the first movie should stay about Hal Jordan. what i'm saying is they should have got another, more serious, less jokey actor. i just can't FEEL Renolds as Hal. think about it, can u?
Suzan : January 05, 2013, 21:15
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I loved it! My son is 7 - I'm 45 and we both thought it was great. I was never a big GL comic fan but as back stories go - I thought it was pretty cool. As far as the reviews that said it was lame - it's not cool to like anything nowadays. It has to be the perfect, academy award type move to get a good review. But I don't need these movies to change my life - just do what the comics did - entertain me.
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wdf? so what if she is 45, she's still a person, a human with feelings & anyway if she sounds good what's the problem? its all about the music, not about how someone looks, that's what she gets paid for after all. There are men in the music industry who are far older than her & no one says a thing, just because she's a woman you shouldn't be so sexist one day you will be old too & I bet you won't look half as good as her, Fact! So think about that before you attack someone because of their age!
viagra and deafness : January 05, 2013, 21:15
will.i.am writes good songs for the others. for him self keeps only shits
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Dardai : January 05, 2013, 21:15
viagra and deafness Hal can fly to other planets by himself but the other guy needs a spaceship? dude u didn't read the comics, old Green lantern was afraid his ring would fail him at the time he needed it most @hiyukenmusic > but i really dislike the movie too. like the character wasn't right, Hal isn't a joky character especially when he has the ring, hes like the bravest human in the world, and here they go getting him to crack out stupid jokes for comic relief, so much for DCs dark Movies.
Dardai : January 05, 2013, 21:15
It's highly unlikely that You'd be able to listen to it later on. viagra and deafness
Jeko : January 05, 2013, 21:15
viagra and deafness Sorry, not the one with the blond wig, but the one with the red brownish hair?
Googleman : January 05, 2013, 21:15
These songs are exclusively available in limited amount only. I can't guarantee their availability and it's highly unlikely that You'd be able to purchase these songs later on. If You’re a true music lover & If You'd like to learn more about my music venture and benefits of the songs I create - visit: johnnyrei.bandcamp.com viagra and deafness
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Kolapor : January 05, 2013, 21:15
1:Shitty badguy. viagra and deafness
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viagra and deafness No, but there are plenty that are glad it's not lol.
POER : January 05, 2013, 21:15
keep up your good work.
Motti : January 05, 2013, 21:15
no, no, of course the first movie should stay about Hal Jordan. what i'm saying is they should have got another, more serious, less jokey actor. i just can't FEEL Renolds as Hal. think about it, can u?
Suzan : January 05, 2013, 21:15
discount cialis i didn't like the two spider man movies is much as I liked Green lantern! They ruined spiderman by turning him emo! That is why they are rebooting spiderman, because they over did with spiderman crying all the time, when he is supposed to be cracking jokes on the enemies he is fighting!
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Don't think I will see it I don't want to viagra and deafness
Doni : January 05, 2013, 21:15
I loved it! My son is 7 - I'm 45 and we both thought it was great. I was never a big GL comic fan but as back stories go - I thought it was pretty cool. As far as the reviews that said it was lame - it's not cool to like anything nowadays. It has to be the perfect, academy award type move to get a good review. But I don't need these movies to change my life - just do what the comics did - entertain me.
Suzan : January 05, 2013, 21:15
"I'm not sure if I needed to kmow that,but OKAY!!" lol
Luis : January 05, 2013, 21:15
viagra and deafness Loco is actually satan.if not, he is the only one that can stop him
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