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It was awful. The lead character was more shallow than an extra from Top Gun, the point of the comics was completly missed and any intetesting themes were completely overshadowed by Hal's sad attempts to get back with his ex. Basically, a chick flick with some action thrown in. Save your money and buy the comic cause this is an overproduced joke made even worse by the fact the plot and characters had so much potential viagra by the pill
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Pisses me off that we'll see a sequel to Planet of The Apes before any of those! viagra by the pill
Rush : September 21, 2012, 13:44
viagra by the pill I went to see this last night and it was pretty good. However they made him out to be and immature 30 Something with issues, whereas the actual Comic Book Hal Jordan was decisive and strong with no issues right from the get go. Though it seems to drag a bit at the begining it is worth seeing.
Mike : September 21, 2012, 13:44
My friend, Gianni DiBernardo (channel name), is a talented singer in the pop genre
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I still cant beleive DISNEY owns Marvel Studios -m-
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