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Among : January 08, 2013, 13:44


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I'm thinking of seeing this- I don't read comics and I've seen a few movies but not too many. Should I see it?

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Me: I don't understand one bit of this trailer.

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Doni : January 08, 2013, 13:44

i know im goin to get flamed for this, but im unsubbing, IMO this show is getting lamer and lamer, kind a the same jokes over and over but keep watching if u like it, see yall

Gogi : January 08, 2013, 13:44

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Alexa : January 08, 2013, 13:44

Yes, sir. The link is below the video. Thank you for your kind words. :) cialis 50mg

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The Green Lantern film is un-inspired, cheesy and likely one of the worst super hero films this year. 4/10 cialis 50mg

Torres : January 08, 2013, 13:44

If you've seen the text and do not want to read this just give me a chance and listen to my new track "ConKi - Freedom"

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Rihanna : January 08, 2013, 13:44

cialis 50mg Why do I care? Cause that Squirl guy tried to correct someone else's grammar when his own wasn't even correct. Yes, this is the internet, and I'm pretty sure that arguing on a Youtube video doesn't make you YOU grow the fuck up. Heh.

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