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Dardai : March 04, 2013, 01:11
ummm, sry to disappoint and dont mean to be a "hater" but in the actual comics the ring is powered by will, if you read the comics you would know that certain colors represent an emotion, yellow is literally fear and green is literally will, emotions that POWER the ring, if you get what i mean. also, the other guy has a spaceship because his mission was to transport people from a planet to another planet, the script said so...and another thing, the spit is part of parallex/ fear buy viagra in bangkok
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Souza : March 04, 2013, 01:11
Ya know what I think? I think this is a really, really good piece of video entertainment journalism. Great introduction, great discussion from viewers. I'm surprised you couldn't find anyone who disliked it, but still - good piece.
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buy viagra in bangkok I am so seeing the hobit cuz I forcefully had to read it last year:)
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